The occupational therapists at PSLLC are committed to helping improve each child’s ability to participate in daily life activities, also known as occupations. At our Princeton NJ location we facilitate the development of gross motor, fine motor, visual-perception, self-care, and sensory processing skills in order to increase your child’s participation and performance in his or her home, school, social, and recreational environments. In addition to direct treatment, we collaborate with all members of your child’s team, including speech-language pathologists, psychologists, family members, and teachers and school therapists.

What we provide
- Sensory and gross motor treatment sessions in a sensory gym equipped with suspended swings, therapy balls, and climbing mats.
- Fine motor and visual-perceptual treatment with a variety of materials, which include games, manipulatives, handwriting tools, and fine motor activities.
- Self-help and ADL skill training and treatment.
- Consultations with your child’s team to provide sensory diets, adaptive equipment (e.g., slant board, seat cushion, assistive technology) and other strategies to improve home and school performance.
- Informal and formal evaluations for sensory processing, visual-perceptual, and fine and gross motor development. Frequently used assessments include Beery VMI, TVPS, PDMS-II, BOT-2, SPM, The Sensory Profile.
- Workshops for parents, professionals, and general audiences on topics such as sensory processing, fine and gross motor development, and visual-motor/visual-perceptual skills.